Anglia Components



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High power bolt down fuses from Eaton Bussmann offer current ratings up to 500A, samples available from Anglia.
The Eaton Bussmann AMX(L), AMH and AML series are families of bolt down fuses that provide best in class power density with nominal current ratings up to 500 A.

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ST introduces a simple-to-use, open, scalable, single-chip answer to modern motion control system needs

ST introduces a simple-to-use, open, scalable, single-chip answer to modern motion control system needs


ST offers an attractive, highly integrated but “open” solution, ready to be seamlessly integrated into a variety of different platforms, with several options that enable a finer tuning to the target behaviour. Current and voltage ratings are also wide enough to cover many different requirements found within a platform spectrum.

The powerSPIN motor driver IC family is a simple to use, open, scalable and integrated answer to your motion control problems. Ideal for driving brush DC, bipolar stepper and permanent magnet three-phase brushless motors, the family includes five different product architectures and a choice of two 60V rated DMOS-based integrated power stages: one handling currents up to 2.8A and the other handling up to 1.4A, thus providing system designers with a more cost-effective option where lower currents are required. Each product is available with three package options to accommodate various assembly and power handling requirements. In addition, powerSPIN offers an extensive range of protection mechanisms such as over-current limitation and diagnostic capabilities, allowing the devices to meet the demand of today’s motion control systems for “bullet proof” operation.

To help you to quickly discover which powerSPIN product provides the perfect fit to your system requirements, ST provides a set of demo boards for use with practiSPIN™, our PC-based environment for rapid “live” evaluation of the entire motion control system, including first pass thermal analysis, together with a set of application notes. This comprehensive support will enable you to quickly exploit the rich capabilities we have built into the powerSPIN platform to give a competitive edge to your motion control application.

Motion control is a key function in a broad range of systems in practically all segments: from automotive to consumer, from industrial to telecom. However, the trend towards the use of motors of simpler construction means that the control electronics is playing an increasingly important role in achieving the overall motion control system performance. With its wide range of products, powerSPIN ensures that you will find an effective and cost-competitive solution to your particular motion control problem.

Main applications

  • Vending machines
  • Money dispensers
  • Factory automation
  • Medical equipment
  • Office automation

powerSPIN family features

  • 60V rated DMOS Power Stages
    - RDS(on) = 0.32 Ω for 2.8ARMS
    - RDS(on) = 0.73 Ω for 1.4ARMS
  • Vs supply range from 8 to 52V
  • Extensive diagnostic
    - High-side current sensing and over-current protection
    - Undervoltage detection
    - Thermal protection
  • Integrated charge pump for high side MOS driving
  • Now available in QFN extra-miniaturized package

For more information, or details on the full range of STMicroelectronics products available from Anglia, please call +44 (0)1945 474747 or email

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This news article was originally published in December 2009.

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