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Panasonics comprehensive range of Polymer Capacitors suited to demanding applications continues to expand, samples available from Anglia
Panasonic have one of the widest ranges of Polymer capacitors available in the industry. Polymer capacitors have excellent frequency characteristics due to their ultra-low ESR (Equivalent Series Resistance) values.

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Mitsubishi's low-noise GaAs HEMT for Ka band

Mitsubishi's low-noise GaAs HEMT for Ka band  

Mitsubishi has introduced a new plastic packaged GaAs HEMT (High Electron Mobility Transistor), which is suitable for low noise amplifiers in the Ka frequency Band.

This device, named the MGF4963BL, operates at frequencies up to 20GHz with excellent low noise performance. The new chip is integrated into a cost-effective plastic package, as often systems are under cost constraints and so a traditional ceramic packaged part would be too expensive.

Due to this price advantage the new MGF4963BL is not only well-suited for low-noise amplifiers in 18-20GHz DBS (direct broadcast satellite) receivers and VSAT (very small aperture terminal) systems, but also predestined to be used in the second/third stages of amplifiers as well. As a result the new MGF4963BL will enable further cost reductions in DBS and VSAT receivers.

The gain at 20GHz is specified with 13.5dB while the noise figure is just 0.70dB (at 20GHz), which means an 0.05dB improvement of the noise figure and a 3.0dB increase of the associated gain compared with the company’s 12GHz model. The foot pattern, however, remains unchanged compared to previous models as the industry standard micro-X package protects the new chip as well.

MGF4963BL operates best at a bias Drain-Source voltage of 2.0V and with a bias Drain current of 10mA.

For more information, or details on the full range of Mitsubishi Electric products available from Anglia, please call +44 (0)1945 474747 or email

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This news article was originally published in November 2009.

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