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Sensirion release evaluation board combining temperature, humidity, air quality and barometric pressure sensing, evaluation board and samples available from Anglia.
Sensirion have released the SENSEVAL-SCB4XV1 evaluation board which combines temperature, humidity, indoor air quality and barometric pressure sensor in one board.

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Ultra-broadband capacitor series from AVX minimizes insertion and return loss


AVX has developed a broadband capacitor that addresses DC blocking issues from 16kHz (-3dB roll-off) to 40GHz by providing low insertion and return losses. This multilayer capacitor uses patented precision thin film termination process to maximize board space in DC blocking applications.

The broadband capacitor is ideal for applications such as semiconductor data communications, receiver optical subassemblies, trans-impedance amplifiers and test equipment. Designed utilizing AVX’s patented precision termination process, the GX Series ultra-broadband capacitor is completely orientation insensitive with a standard EIA 0402 footprint to minimize board space requirements, and is available with X5R or X7S dielectric characteristic.

“AVX’s patented thin film termination process enables the ultra low insertion and return loss values that the GX Series ultra-broadband capacitor provides customers,” said Larry Eisenberger, AVX Senior Technical Marketing Engineer. “We are working to expand the current product offering to include additional case sizes and increase the operating range.”

Both nickel-gold and nickel-tin terminations are available to cover a wide range of attachment processes. All GX Series parts are RoHS compliant.

Click here to view the data sheet.

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This news article was originally published in December 2009.

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