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Sensirion release evaluation board combining temperature, humidity, air quality and barometric pressure sensing, evaluation board and samples available from Anglia.
Sensirion have released the SENSEVAL-SCB4XV1 evaluation board which combines temperature, humidity, indoor air quality and barometric pressure sensor in one board.

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Diodes announces a boost converter for the bias voltage of small size OLED and LCD displays

Diode's AP5727 - Boost converter for the bias voltage of small size OLED and LCD displays  

Diodes Incorporated has introduced the AP5727, a high efficiency PWM boost DC/DC converter (integrated switch), designed to generate bias voltages for small OLED and TFT-LCD display screens.

The device can generate up to 30V from a Li-Ion cell and switches at 1.2MHz allowing use of tiny external components. Internal compensation, built-in soft-start and integrated switch reduce the component count, PCB area and cost.

The AP5727 has a 1.25V feedback voltage and is available in SOT23-5, making it compatible with industry standard boost converters used for bias voltage generation.

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This news article was originally published in November 2009.

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