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High power bolt down fuses from Eaton Bussmann offer current ratings up to 500A, samples available from Anglia.
The Eaton Bussmann AMX(L), AMH and AML series are families of bolt down fuses that provide best in class power density with nominal current ratings up to 500 A.

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Versatile tact switch series from Knitter-Switch now operates at high temperature

Knitter Switches versatile tact switch series now operates at high temperature  

The popular series of TS6/TSS6 tact switches available from Knitter-Switch now includes high operating temperature models which feature gold plated contacts. Offering an increased operating temperature to 105°C the TS6/TSS6 series is suitable for applications in a wide variety of products in consumer electronics, white goods, healthcare and medical products, mobile devices and data processing systems.

The key to the versatility of the switch series is the availability of a number of different actuator height and force combinations and now also a choice of gold or silver-plated contacts to suit individual applications and budgets.

The standard TS6/TSS6 tact switch models are available with six different actuator heights and five different actuation forces. Customer specific actuator heights can be made available on request.

To aid panel design square and round actuator caps are available in several different colours including blue, yellow, red, black and green.

For more information, or details on the full range of Knitter-Switch products available from Anglia, please call +44 (0)1945 474747 or email

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This news article was originally published in December 2009.

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