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Eaton Bussmann Multilayer Ferrite Beads feature high impedance offering superior high-frequency noise reduction, samples available from Anglia.
Eaton Bussmann multilayer ferrite beads (MFB) offer a wide range of high-impedance performance across a wide range of high frequency applications in industrial and automotive applications.

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Diodes expands portfolio of SBR products

Diode's portfolio expansion of SBR products  

Diodes Incorporated has announced it has expanded its Super Barrier Rectifier (SBR) portfolio with the introduction of five new products packaged in DFN1006-2, SMA and ITO220S.

This new portfolio provides similar electrical performance as existing Schottky diodes whilst providing designers with additional performance benefits that include, lower high temperature reverse leakage, higher avalanche capabilities and thermal stability.

The SBR0240LP packages a 40V, 0.25A SBR in the tiny DFN1006-2 to address protection, voltage clamping and blocking circuit functions in end applications such as portable devices. The SBR20100CTP is the first Super Barrier Rectifier to be packaged in the isolated TO220 package.

Providing an isolation of 2kV, the SBR20100CTP delivers a low forward voltage drop of 0.82V at IF = 10A at 25°C, making it an ideal replacement for the Schottky diodes in the output stage of switched mode power supplies.

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This news article was originally published in December 2009.

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