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Introducing the FunctionMAX family of board-to-board connectors from Hirose with floating contacts and support for high-speed data transmission, samples available from Anglia.
The FunctionMAX family of connectors from Hirose are Board-to-Board connectors Engineered for the demands of modern electronics systems, Hirose's FunctionMAX connectors redefine board-to-board connections.

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AVX releases new Solid State / LED Lighting Connector Catalogue

TAW series fused


AVX has just compiled a comprehensive Solid State / LED Lighting Catalogue that incorporates all of the new SSL / LED interconnect products together in a single document.

This new catalogue is only available online, and includes all recently released Board-to-Board and Wire-to-Board connectors which have been tooled to meet the demanding applications in the Solid State Lighting market.


SSL / LED Connector Selection Diagram. A useful guide that illustrates various connector configurations.

Enhanced documentation pages. These include all critical electrical, mechanical and environmental data required to confirm application compliance.

Expanded technical pages. These include more detailed dimensions, technical data and product accessories to simplify the design process.

Application notes. Provided for both the Board-to-Board and Wire-to-Board products, these are excellent tools in explaining the termination and assembly processes. They are identified in the applications section for each series.

Click here to download catalogue

Click here to download application notes 201-01-123

Click here to download application notes 201-01-124

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This news article was originally published in April 2010.

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