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EPC - The Power of GaN for Motor Drivers Webinar, in partnership with Anglia
In this webinar we will discover how to use the enhancement-mode gallium nitride (eGaNŽ) FETs and ICs for motor drives.

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DIN 41 612 connector series from HARTING with tripled voltage transfer capability

HARTING’s surface-mount compatible series of DIN 41 612 connectors now has triple the voltage transfer capability of earlier versions.  

HARTING’s surface-mount compatible series of DIN 41 612 connectors now has triple the voltage transfer capability of earlier versions.

This performance gain has been achieved through the use of special plastics featuring higher values of CTI (comparative tracking index: a measure of insulation capability defined by Underwriters Laboratories).

These new plastics comply with the Group II specification, with a CTI of between 400 and 600, while the standard plastics are classified as Group IIIa or IIIb, with a CTI of between 100 and 400. Given a creepage distance of 1.2 mm, the voltage between two adjacent contacts can amount to 160 V: considerably higher than the usual 50 V.
The new connectors are available in types C, 2C, 3C, B, 2B, 3B, R, 2R and F. Additional construction types and sizes are available on request.

For more information, or details on the full range of Harting products available from Anglia, please call +44 (0)1945 474747 or email

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This news article was originally published in June 2010.

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