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Eaton Bussmann Multilayer Ferrite Beads feature high impedance offering superior high-frequency noise reduction, samples available from Anglia.
Eaton Bussmann multilayer ferrite beads (MFB) offer a wide range of high-impedance performance across a wide range of high frequency applications in industrial and automotive applications.

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Upgraded 60V and 5% accuracy cost effective buck LED driver for 3W LEDs from Diodes Inc.

Diode's AP5727 - Boost converter for the bias voltage of small size OLED and LCD displays  

The AP8802 is a step-down DC/DC converter designed to drive LEDs with a constant current. Its 60V maximum input voltage allows up to fifteen LEDs in series to be driven. Series connection of the LEDs provides identical LED currents resulting in uniform brightness and eliminates the need for ballast resistors.

The AP8802 switches at frequency up to 500kHz. This allows the use of small size external components, hence minimizing the required PCB area. The exposed pad DFN3030-10 and SO-8-EP high power dissipation packages enables the AP8802 to drive larger numbers of LEDs at increased ambient temperatures.

The AP8802 provides the simplest cost effective solution for driving multiple 3W LEDs

  • Operating voltage range from 8 to 60V
  • Up to fifteen LEDs can be connected in series hence higher output power can be delivered.
  • LED current can be up to 1A
  • Good match for 3W LED system
  • Soft-start function
  • Reduce stress of LED to allow longer lifetime
  • PWM and DC dimming
  • Provide flexible scheme to users with different dimming methods
    Up to 500kHz high switching frequency
  • Cost effective and smaller inductor and capacitor can be used
  • High power package – DFN3030-10 & SOP8-EP
  • More choices to suit specific designs

Click here to download a datasheet

For more information on the full range of Diodes Inc. products available from Anglia please call +44 (0)1945 474747 or email

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This news article was originally published in June 2010.

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