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TLR3AP metal plate current sense resistors from KOA suitable for measuring currents up to 100A, samples available from Anglia
The TLR3AP series of metal plate current sense resistors from KOA are suitable for measuring currents up to 100A. Available in industry standard 2512 SMD case size.

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Fastrax UP501, successor of the extremely popular UP500, offers improved sensitivity and power consumption

Fastrax IT500

  Fastrax has introduced the UP501 GPS module with an integrated antenna. The updated and improved version of the Fastrax UP500 is footprint and pin compatible with its predecessor. The module is now based on the same Mediatek MT3329 GPS chipset as the Fastrax IT520 and the IT500.

All these modules have 66 acquisition channels and 22 tracking channels, and feature extraordinarily high -148dBm cold start sensitivity and -165dBm navigation sensitivity.

The optimized performance enables navigation in even the most demanding applications and environments, and ensures a solid fix even in harsh GPS visibility environments.

“While waiting for location information to appear, every second feels long”, added Taneli Tuurnala. “Ensuring a smooth user experience in consumer applications requires fast and reliable operation, and long battery life.

Under the hood, this translates into a combination of high sensitivity, fast signal acquisition and low power consumption. It is our aim to continue providing the best possible GPS module offering for these demanding environments and applications.”

The Fastrax UP501 is electrically and mechanically compatible with the Fastrax UP500, making upgrading easy for the designers. This saves considerable amounts of development time, testing, documentation and support costs, while reducing time to market to an absolute minimum. The UP501 is also available with optional onboard battery back-up and RS232 connectivity.

The extremely sensitive UP501 can have a fix even indoors when necessary. Performance and ease of use make UP501 a reliable and simple GPS solution for any device.

Key features of Fastrax UP501:

  • Ultra High Sensitivity with MT3329 chipset:–148 dBm (Cold Start Acquisition)*–165 dBm (Navigation)*
  • 10Hz fix update rate*
  • Very low power consumption: 75mW @ 3.0V*
  • Tiny form factor –22mm x 22mm x 8mm
  • Embedded patch antenna 18.4 x 18.4 x 4.2 mm
  • WAAS/EGNOS support
  • Optional internal back-up battery (UP501B)
  • Optional RS232 level serial port (UP501R)
  • Predicted AGPS, aiding valid for 14 daysFor easy and reliable mounting, Fastrax UP501 has built-in PCB-mounting flanges and standard 2.54mm IO-pin pitch.

* Improved from UP500

Click here for a datasheet

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This news article was originally published in December 2009.

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