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Digi International introduces the powerful and secure Digi ConnectCoreŽ MP1 module based on the STM32MP1 series microprocessor. Development kit available from Anglia.
The Digi ConnectCoreŽ MP1 modules from Digi International deliver a highly integrated and secure connected system-on-module solution.

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Bourns releases new power inductors, models SDE6603 and SRE6603

Bourns releases new high current Power Inductors models SRP4020 and SRP7030F   These two power inductor models are compact components, with low DC resistance and high current carrying capability, making them ideal to use in DC/DC converters for portable electronic devices with prolonged battery life.

SDE6603 offers an inductance range of 1 – 1,000 μH with Irms current up to 2.9 A.

SRE6603 has an inductance range of 1 – 10,000 μH with Irms current up to 3 A.

This model is magnetically shielded and has lower DCR which makes it attractive for applications where low noise environment and longer battery life are essential.

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This news article was originally published in June 2010.

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