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Sensirion release evaluation board combining temperature, humidity, air quality and barometric pressure sensing, evaluation board and samples available from Anglia.
Sensirion have released the SENSEVAL-SCB4XV1 evaluation board which combines temperature, humidity, indoor air quality and barometric pressure sensor in one board.

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FX10/FX11 Series, 0.5mm pitch, board to board connectors from Hirose are suitable for high speed applications

FH39 Series, 0.3mm Pitch, Back Flip, Top & Bottom Contact  
The FX10/ FX11 series has been introduced to meet the high demand for connectors that are suitable for high speed applications.

The innovative design allows for superior transmission characteristics by fixing the ground plate to both sides of the header and receptacle. The series has the capacity to accept 10 Gbps transmission speed making them suitable for SATA, USB 2.0 and PCI express applications.

FX10/FX11 features surface mount headers and sockets in a fine pitch of only 0.5mm allowing for maximum space saving on the board. Parallel stacking heights are available from 2mm to 5mm. A wide variety of contact sizes start from 60 to 168 positions.

To aid the retention of the connector to the board, metal fittings are provided to protect against solder peeling and mechanical stress. Long mating wiping distances are provided to ensure effective electrical continuity. Signal and ground contacts are arranged in a ratio of 10:1 with the ground plate surface mounted to the board to reduce noise levels. To prevent solder wicking a solder gap has been designed into the contact portion.

The FX10 offers 4mm & 5mm stack height and the FX11 offers 2mm, 2.5mm & 3mm. These are suitable for a wide range of miniature electronic equipment needing high speed capability.

For more information, or details on the full range of Hirose products available from Anglia please call +44 (0)1945 474747 or email

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This news article was originally published in June 2010.

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