Anglia Components



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OMRON Expands G5Q Series with Compact G5Q-HR Latching/Single-Stable Relay, Offering Low Power Consumption and High Inrush Current Resistance, samples available from Anglia
The G5Q series from OMRON offers a compact, slimline and versatile relay suitable for a wide variety of applications, the G5Q has become a global standard for compact power relays.

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Anglia qualifies for the supply of IECQ CECC accredited components

Anglia makes fast tracks to Fastrax

Wisbech, UK, 30 June 2010

Anglia Components, the UK’s leading privately owned electronic component distributor, strengthened its presence as a supplier of electronic components to defence and aerospace customers with the announcement that it has been qualified by the British Standards Institution (BSI) for the supply of IECQ‐CECC approved product.

Anglia is already one of an elite few distributors to hold AS9120, one of the world’s most demanding quality standards, accrediting the company to supply components for safety critical flight systems for the aerospace and defence industries. It is also a signatory of the ADS SC21 programme. Before awarding the IECQ‐CECC qualification, BSI examined Anglia’s processes for the handling, storage and management of product in detail, to ensure that full lot traceability of any IECQ‐CECC certified devices passing through its Distribution Centre would be maintained.

Commenting, Steve Rawlins, CEO of Anglia, said, “The BSI have satisfied themselves that Anglia has the skills, the controls and the documentation procedures in place to handle IECQ‐CECC qualified product. Gaining this approval is a further significant step in demonstrating to our military and aerospace customers that we are fully capable to support their supply chain requirements.”

Anglia serves an extensive military and aerospace customer base and supplies high reliability components from franchises including AVX and Syfer. Anglia is working towards gaining formal recognition under the SC21 programme, and expects to achieve this within six to nine months.

About Anglia
Anglia is the UK’s leading independent authorised distributor of semiconductors, optoelectronics, interconnect, and passive and electromechanical components. The company is a signatory of the ADS SC21 programme and holds AS9120, ISO9001, ISO14001 accreditations and IECQ-CECC qualification. Anglia’s exceptional technical support spans a fast sampling service, telephone advice from product specialists, on-site visits from field applications engineers and, ultimately, electronics design. An in-house team of designers adds expert resources to customers' design teams, helps reduce final product costs and accelerates development times. Anglia stocks over 700 million components from 500,000 product lines in the UK, and streamlines its customer’s logistics and reduces costs through KAN-BAN, EDI, and customer-dedicated inventory.

For further details please contact:

Michelene Hircock at Anglia, Sandall Road, Wisbech, PE13 2PS, UK.
Phone: +44 (0)1945 47 47 47; Web:; Email:

Click here for a PDF copy of the press release

Press Release by
Neesham PR
Peter van der Sluijs
+44 (0) 1296 628180

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This news article was originally published in July 2010.

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