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Introducing the OMRON G9KB high-capacity power relay with bidirectional switching capability, samples available from Anglia.
The G9KB high-capacity power relay from OMRON is rated 600VDC at 50A and is capable of bi-directional switching allowing it to replace several conventional relays.

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High temperature capacitor series from Panasonic maintains specified ESR at low temperatures

High temperature capacitor series from Panasonic maintains specified ESR at low temperatures  

Panasonic has introduced the TP-Series, the newest high temperature SMD capacitor in a range of aluminium electrolytic capacitors, which uses the latest material technologies to maintain ESR down to -40°C.

The TP-Series is rated 125°C with a lifetime of up to 3000 hours. Compared to the previous series (e.g. TG or TK) it uses the latest materials to improve Equivalent Series Resistance (ESR) under adverse conditions, with the ESR now being specified after endurance at -40°C, a worst case scenario. This allows the Development Engineer a calculation of his circuit and whether the application is still fulfilling the requirements at the end of life.

As an example, the value of 220uF, 35V in case size G (10mm x 10.2mm) has an initial ESR value of 0.15 Ohm at +20°C/100kHz and after the lifetime of 2000 hours at -40°C specifies a value of 3.5 Ohm max.

The TP-Series offers voltage ratings from 10V to 35V and capacitance values from 47uF to 470uF. It is suitable for high temperature, lead-free reflow soldering.

With its high temperature performance and specified lifetime, this series is ideally suited for automotive electronics or rugged industrial applications such as power supplies.

For more information, or details on the full range of Panasonic products available from Anglia please call +44 (0)1945 474747 or email

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This news article was published in August 2010.

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