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Eaton Bussmann Multilayer Ferrite Beads feature high impedance offering superior high-frequency noise reduction, samples available from Anglia.
Eaton Bussmann multilayer ferrite beads (MFB) offer a wide range of high-impedance performance across a wide range of high frequency applications in industrial and automotive applications.

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FR series – the latest low ESR capacitor from Panasonic

FR series – the latest low ESR capacitor from Panasonic  

Panasonic has introduced the FR-Series, a new range of aluminium electrolytic capacitors in radial construction offering low ESR and long life in perfect combination.

The capacitors are an ideal solution for applications that require ultra low ESR, very high ripple current and very long life in a small mounting form.

In comparison to current products e.g. the FM series, a lifetime upgrade of up to 100% has been achieved (up to 10,000 hours @ 105°C) and capacitance increased up to 30% by improving the material technology.

The radial FR series is in mass production and samples are available.


  • Voltage range 6.3 – 50V
  • Capacitance range 22 – 8200uF
  • Lifetime up to 10,000 hours
  • Ripple current up to 3820mA
  • ESR down to 12mOhm (20°C/100kHz)
  • Size Ø5x11mm to Ø16x25mm

Application examples

  • Switching mode power supplies
  • Switching mode adapters
  • Line noise removal
  • LCD backlights
  • LED applications

and other applications where a long lifetime is required.

Click here to download a datasheet for the Panasonic FR series

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This news article was published in August 2010.

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