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Intersil's latest RS-485/RS-422 quad receivers feature industry's best ESD protection, wide voltage and temperature ranges, in ultra-small QFN packages

ISL3217x and ISL3227x Series Provide Rugged Receive Solution, Eliminate the Need for Voltage Level Translators in Mixed-Voltage Systems

  Intersil has introduced a new family of small-footprint quad 16.5kV ESD-protected RS-485 and RS-422 receivers, featuring wide voltage and temperature ranges.

The new ISL3217x and ISL3227x series feature wide supply-voltage operating ranges of 3V to 5.5V and extended temperature ranges to 125 degrees C, making them ideal design choices for motor controllers, encoders, factory automation, and process control networks.

The ISL32173E, ISL32175E and ISL32177E are high data-rate receivers that operate at up to 80Mbps. A maximum propagation delay skew of 8ns guarantees excellent part-to-part matching.

The ISL32273E, ISL32275E and ISL32277E are reduced supply current versions that operate at data rates up to 20Mbps. Each receiver also features low input currents of ±200microAmps, and presents a one-fourth unit load to the RS-485 bus, allowing up to 128 receivers on the bus.

All of the new ICs also feature the industry's best ESD ratings, at ±16.5kV ESD protection, meeting HBM and IEC61000-4-2 standards on receiver inputs. The new ISL32177 and ISL32277 include a logic VL supply pin. The VL supply sets the switching points of the enable inputs, and the receiver output's VOH, to levels compatible with a lower supply voltage in mixed-voltage systems. This built-in voltage level translation eases operation in mixed-supply systems.

Pairing the quad receivers with Intersil's ISL32172/7/9 or ISL32272/4 quad transmitters enables a full point-to-point 4-channel solution.

For more information, or details on the full range of Intersil products available from Anglia, please call +44 (0)1945 474747 or email

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This news article was originally published in August 2010.

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