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OMRON Expands G5Q Series with Compact G5Q-HR Latching/Single-Stable Relay, Offering Low Power Consumption and High Inrush Current Resistance, samples available from Anglia
The G5Q series from OMRON offers a compact, slimline and versatile relay suitable for a wide variety of applications, the G5Q has become a global standard for compact power relays.

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STEVAL-CCM001V2 graphic panel demonstration board based on the STM32 from STMicroelectronics


The STM32-based STEVAL-CCM001V2 graphic panel demonstration board displays images oneby-one in a slideshow fashion. The heart of this board is the STM32 microcontroller, which is capable of reading a memory card containing photographs, and display them on a TFT screen.

The memory used to store the images is a microSD card. A 3-axis MEMS accelerometer is used for picture orientation.

With the growing popularity of digital cameras and cellular phones with high-pixel photo capability, it is becoming more common for people to store digital photos in storage media rather than producing prints. Digital photo frames are an ideal solution to preview digital images. Bundling image display solutions with the STM32 shows the capability of this microcontroller in the world of multimedia. Additional features of the board include display of room temperature, date and time, a touchscreen-based keypad as user interface, USB mass storage, ZigBee® and a rechargeable battery system.

The application can be used either as a standalone solution, or combined with other applications such as POS, card readers, security panels, USB speakers or high-end remote controls.

Features and Description
  Microcontroller: STM32-HD (64 KB RAM)
  320 x 240 resolution parallel TFT screen using FSMC peripheral for faster display
  Bluetooth module footprint
  Touchscreen for user interface
  ZigBee® for picture transfer
  STM32-based RTC available to display date/time and calendar
  MEMS device to rotate the image based on TFT position
  MicroSD card interfaced through SDIO
  USB Mini-B connector
  PC connectivity
  User-programmable time interval for photo display
  Senses temperature and displays data on TFT
  On-board power supply for DPF
  Rechargeable battery circuit available
  On-board JTAG connector for firmware upgrade and modifications
  Additional ESD protection device for USB and SD card
  RoHS compliant

Click here to view the datasheet

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This news article was originally published in October 2010.

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