Anglia Components

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High power bolt down fuses from Eaton Bussmann offer current ratings up to 500A, samples available from Anglia.
The Eaton Bussmann AMX(L), AMH and AML series are families of bolt down fuses that provide best in class power density with nominal current ratings up to 500 A.

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Power Schottky rectifiers from STMicroelectronics housed in PowerFLAT™ feature a low-profile, slim package


The new power Schottky rectifiers STPS3045DJF, STPS30M100DJF and STPS30170DJF combine high power density and efficiency in low-profile PowerFLAT 5x6 packages.

The exposed pad of this PowerFLAT package reduces the PCB footprint while keeping the power capability optimized. Their low profile was specifically designed for applications with space-saving constraints. These new rectifiers extend ST's Schottky-rectifier portfolio in PowerFLAT packages with a full range of low-profile products.

Power Schottky rectifiers are suited for switched-mode power supplies and high-frequency DC-to-DC converters. Offering optimized power capability through their exposed pad, these PowerFLAT 5x6 devices reduce the PCB footprint.

The low profile and slim package is specifically designed to be used in applications with space-saving constraints, and is well suited for low-profile assemblies.

Key feature
  Low profile: max height < 1.05 mm
Key benefits
  Flat halogen-free package: less than 1.05 mm
  Low forward voltage drop
  Enhanced thermal resistance
  Highly innovative products

For more information, or details on the full range of STMicroelectronics products available from Anglia, please call +44 (0)1945 474747 or email

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This news article was originally published in December 2010.

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