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EPC - The Power of GaN for Motor Drivers Webinar, in partnership with Anglia
In this webinar we will discover how to use the enhancement-mode gallium nitride (eGaNŽ) FETs and ICs for motor drives.

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Maxwell Technologies small energy cells for industrial and consumer electronic applications


The UL recognized PC & HC Ultracapacitor families are ideal for consumer electronics, automotive subsystems, wireless transmission, medical devices, automatic meter readers, and many other applications requiring a pulse of energy that cannot be efficiently provided by a battery or power supply alone.

The PC & HC families can be used in tandem with batteries for applications that require both a constant low power discharge for continual function and a pulse power for peak loads. In these applications, the device relieves batteries of peak power functions resulting in an extension of battery life and a reduction of overall battery size and cost.

The PC & HC families are also an ideal source of back-up and pulse power. They can provide extended power availability, allowing critical information and functions to remain available during dips, sags and outages in a power supply or battery change. And, like all BOOSTCAP products, both families are capable of accepting charges at the identical rate of discharge.

  • Capacitance range: 5F to 150F
  • Operating voltage: 2.5 to 2.7 volt


  • Over 500,000 duty cycles
  • 10-year life capability
  • Higher energy vs. electrolytic
  • Higher power vs. batteries
  • Low profile prismatic design
  • UL-recognized

Typical applications

  • AMR (Automatic Meter Readers)
  • Consumer electronics
  • Industrial and automation
  • Portable power tools
  • Renewable energy systems
  • Short term UPS (uninterruptible power supply) and telecom systems

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This news article was originally published in October 2010.

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