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Panasonics comprehensive range of Polymer Capacitors suited to demanding applications continues to expand, samples available from Anglia
Panasonic have one of the widest ranges of Polymer capacitors available in the industry. Polymer capacitors have excellent frequency characteristics due to their ultra-low ESR (Equivalent Series Resistance) values.

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Maxwell Technologies MC family (K2 series) large power cells


The K2 series of Ultracapacitors are a third generation design that provides 2.7 volt operating voltage while improving Maxwell's BOOSTCAP high performance and high reliability on a high volume manufacturing platform.

These cells are ideal for automotive subsystems, medical devices, UPS/backup power, wind turbine pitch control, and many other applications which require a pulse of energy that cannot be efficiently provided by a battery or power supply alone.

The K2 series works in tandem with batteries for applications that require both a constant low power discharge for continual function and a pulse power for peak loads. In these applications, the device relieves batteries of peak power functions resulting in an extension of battery life and a reduction of overall battery size and cost.
The K2 series is also an ideal source of back-up and pulse power. It can provide extended power availability, allowing critical information and functions to remain available during dips, sags and outages in a power supply or battery change. In applications where power is needed in spikes, the K2 Series provides a “green” power solution to reduce peak power demands on the grid, batteries or generators. And, like all Maxwell Ultracapacitors, the K2 Series is capable of accepting charges at the identical rate of discharge.


  • Capacitance range: 650F to 3000F
  • Operating voltage: 2.7 volt


  • Over 1 million duty cycles
  • 2.7 volt operating voltage
  • 10-year life capability
  • Higher energy vs. electrolytic
  • Higher power vs. batteries
  • Low internal resistance
  • Threaded terminal or weldable post versions
  • UL-recognized

Typical applications

  • Automotive subsystems
  • Back-up power
  • Grid stabilization
  • Hybrid drive trains
  • Rail system power
  • Transportation
  • Utility vehicles

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This news article was originally published in January 2011.

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