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RS73 series thick film resistors from KOA offer precision, stability and high tolerance to ESD transients, samples available from Anglia.
KOA have developed the RS73 series of precision resistors based on the more robust thick film resistor technology, featuring a T.C.R. down to ±25ppm and a tolerance as low as ±0.1%, the resistors are ideal for precision designs.

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AVX Au series ideal for military and aerospace applications


AVX has expanded its extensive family of multilayer ceramic chips (MLCCs) to include gold plated terminations. Designated the Au Series, the RoHS compliant MLCC eliminates the use of tin and lead and subsequent tin wiskering events on the PCB.

Available for most standard MLCC values, AVX offers a range of gold thicknesses for flash terminations (soldering applications) from 1.9µin to 7.87µin, while the gold Std termination thicknesses start at 100µin minimum (epoxy / wire bonding applications).

“Wisker growth is caused by deposit stress, such as heat, to pure tin plated components. The gold plated termination series from AVX eliminates a printed circuit board’s susceptibility to tin wiskering, which can significantly affect the performance and reliability of a system,” said Tim Piver, product manager at AVX.

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This news article was originally published in November 2010.

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