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Expanded Accu-Guard® series from AVX offers the only low current 0402 fuse on the market


AVX has expanded its Accu-Guard® Low Current Series to include the lowest current 0402 fuse on the market. The miniature fuse utilizes thin film and land grid array (LGA) technology to provide an accurate 125mA current rating in a small package.

The UL E141069 approved, RoHS compliant Accu-Guard® Series fuse is ideal for handheld devices including, cell phones, PDAs, two-way radios, and video and digital cameras, in addition to hard disk drives (HDD), LCD screens, computers instrumentation, battery chargers and rechargeable battery packs.

“AVX’s Accu-Guard® thin film fuses are the most accurate precision fuses available on the market. The Accu-Guard® Series of fuses is based on thin-film technology which allows precise control of the component electrical and physical characteristics that is not possible with standard fuse technologies. As a leader in circuit protection devices, AVX is the first to offer a miniature 0402 low current series. Previously, customers were forced to choose between size and current rating,” said Sonja Brown, global circuit protection product manager at AVX.

The miniature 0402 Accu-Guard® features a fusing resistance >1MΩ. Its nickel solder coating is compatible with automatic soldering technologies.

The Accu-Guard® 0402 125mA rating is the first product offering in a planned series of low current fuses to include 100mA to 150mA range

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This news article was originally published in December 2010.

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